J. Lakshmi

J. Lakshmi

₹0 of ₹2,840 raised

Category : Education Material Kit
Date of Birth & Age : 12/28/2002, 14 Years
Studying Class : 9th Class, C Section
Father : J.Ravi, Daily wage labour
Mother : J.Nageshwari, beedi making
Brother/ Doing : One elder brother studying 9th class
Sister / Doing : One elder sister studying Inter and Younger sister studying 7th class
Address : 47/61A, Budhavarapeta, Kurnool
Landmark : Near Mukhadwaram


Lakshmi is very good at studies and going to school regularly. Father is working as a daily wage labour flour mill. Mother does beedi (tobacco) making. By doing this vocations parents earn Rs.4500/- per month. This income is not at all sufficient for the household needs. The family belongs to a very poor background. They depend on the Ration supply by the Government. SERUDS identified Lakshmi and her needs for education and supporting her.


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Donation Total: ₹2,500