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How Far Can You Go To Help People? This Man Went 40 Feet High – Spiderman of Paris

Mamoudou Gassama, Spiderman of Paris (given name) was recently applauded globally for his daring act of Climbing 4 floors building for saving a kid.

Twitter went GAGA over his act and gave him a name ‘le Spiderman’ (Spiderman of Paris).

A Malian Migrant who became an overnight sensation for his heroic gesture of saving a toddler who was hanging from the balcony, four floors high.

It all started when Mamoudou observed crowd in chaos and a kid hanged up from the 4th floor.

He went straight to the building climbing himself floor by floor and within a minute he was able to catch the kid and saving him from death.

The heroic act was recorded and in a video clip showing 22-year-old ‘Spiderman of Paris’ climbing the storeys like a pro.

Watch Video:

“When I saw him, I just saved him”.

“Yeah, I might have get injured in the process but those things were not in mind”.

He has recently awarded ‘Bravery award’ and also Paris Citizenship.

“Mamoudou Gassama created an example for everyone” Said Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo

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He has truly set an example of helping people.

In the world full of ‘Self-Obsessed People’ Spiderman of Paris has set an example of how we can push ourselves to help others.