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Seruds Rated as Top Nonprofit in 2020 in GreatNonProfits

It’s official! SERUDS is on the 2020 Top-Rated List. SERUDS got 35 contributions and a 4.94 review average.

Thanks to our fans, we have won a 2020 Top-Rated Award from GreatNonprofits! Read inspiring stories about us and add your own!


Looking for a nonprofit to support during the holiday season? Look no further than Seruds, one of the leading charitable organizations in India.

GreatNonprofits is the leading platform for community-sourced stories about nonprofits.
GreatNonprofits’ 2020 Top-Rated Nonprofits are endorsed by clients, volunteers, and their community.

Seruds’ being Top-Rated is an endorsement from the community of volunteers, donors and concerned people like you.

Almost everyone has a cause they are passionate about. Some people want to spread awareness of breast cancer, some want to support homeless veterans, while others want to invest in the welfare of children.

Supporting a good cause gives people a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. Many people feel helpless when they’re confronted with a problem they can’t resolve.

You might not be able to directly help children with autism or street children, orphans, abandoned elders, but even small contributions to nonprofits in this field can help them live a better life.

Donating or helping nonprofits can help people feel like their life is more rewarding. Many individuals are motivated to work harder and be more productive so they have better resources to support causes they believe in. Contributing money or time towards a good cause has a positive impact on your lifestyle.


By design, nonprofits attempt to provide things society needs that fall between what the government and the private sector can’t (or won’t) provide. That’s pretty cool. They’re also trying to accomplish a lot with a little.