We have listed down the list of indian celebrity donations for Coronavirus to PM relief and other charitable campaigns. Verified and authentic donations list.
In the previous article we made the list of global celebrities who donated huge amounts to coronavirus relief. In the same lines, here we made a list of famous Indian celebrities. The list includes sports personalities, businessmen, film stars all together.
So let’s check out the list right away.
List of Indian Celebrity Donations for Coronavirus:
Ratan Tata:
Respect for him increased even more when he announced a whopping 1500 crores of donation to Coronavirus.
Shahrukh Khan:
Despite not announcing the amount donated, the number of activities he’s sponsoring will be definitely 9 – 10 figure. Read more about SRK’s activities.
Sudha Murty:
The chairperson of Infosys, Sudha Murty pledged to donate 100 crore Rs to the Coronavirus relief fund.
Bajrang Punia:
Bajrang Punia Donates 6 Months’ Salary for Fight against Coronavirus.
Azim Premji:
Azim Premji foundation, Wipro committed Rs 1,125 crore to tackle COVID-19 outbreak.
Akshay Kumar:
The khiladi of Bollywood donated 25 crores to the Coronavirus relief activities. Read Akshay’s other charity works.
Mukesh Ambani:
Apart from giving away a hospital and lakhs of masks, Reliance pledged to donate additional 500 crs.
The Bahubali actor has donated 4 crores to the different state and central relief funds.
Kookhyun Shim:
The CEO of KIA Motors, India, pledged to donate Rs 2 cr to Andhra Pradesh CM’s Relief Fund.
There are many celebrities not in this list but donated to fight against the Coronavirus.
We wholeheartedly want to thank every real hero, who donated or have an intention of helping others. You all make this world a better place.
Please donate to help daily wagers with food and essentials.
About the Charity Campaign:
We (Seruds NGO) directly donate food and needed items to individuals and their families impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus. Daily wagers rendered jobless by the current COVID-19 pandemic need our timely support to sustain them. As the crisis grows, the livelihoods of a large number of families in India that survive on daily wages have been affected deeply.