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Importance of NGO for Elderly Citizens

In modern era, 1 out of 4 elders are left alone, in this article we’ll talk about the importance of NGO in elderly citizens in India.

The need to donate NGO for senior citizens in India has increased lately due to the increased ill-treatment and misery older people have to undergo after they become incapable and helpless.

After becoming old, the mental and physical health of a person deteriorates. Since they are not served with important healthcare needs, they are not much familiar with the facts and expertise about the types of diseases and illnesses with regard to their physical and mental health. 

It is unfortunate that senior citizens do not receive much-deserving respect in their respective families in a democratic country such as India, and also have not received health care facilities, safe and nutritious food, protective clothing as well as body covering, etc.

Donate for old age home can help them get these facilities back. People look forward to emotional support more than anything after reaching the age of 50 or 60, and when they lack this factor in their lives, they feel overlooked and ignored. 

The best thing about old age homes is that will alter the living environment of senior citizens and elderly mothers is a reverberating atmosphere full of funny, happy moments. Several senior citizens and volunteers from various age groups chat about different subjects and keep the positive vibes alive.

Not only this, but the elderly would also be satisfied with the love and appreciation that they would earn from being there. 

Why Does Interference By The Government & NGOs Matter? 

The intervention of the government and NGOs became important because of the increasing cases of shame and abuse of senior citizens and elderly people. By establishing SERUDS as an NGO for senior citizens in India, their continually growing misery has made us uplift our humanitarian activities for senior citizens of India. Orphanage donation encourages us to do better things to the various age groups present here.

  • In India, neglect, along with physical, verbal, and financial abuse, is the official type of abuse. 
  • The National Crime Records Bureau’s report indicates that between 2001 and 2010, 32, 496 elderly people were killed and 5836 cases of abduction, torture and harassment were reported in India. 
  • In the COVID-19 pandemic, 71% of the 7800 respondents said, based on a recent study, that elder abuse is rising throughout the lockdown and post-lockdown. 
  • In addition, sources indicate that every second senior citizen is mistreated or degraded by family members, kids, relatives, and others. 
  • According to the survey results, in some cases, about 71% of senior citizens living in India are subjected to harassment because of the constant thoughts that dominate the minds of families, children, and even relatives.  

After analyzing the reports indicating the victimization of senior citizens by most groups of society in India, we concluded that we would move forward to meet all the main requirements of senior citizens’ daily lives and fill their lives with the ocean of peace and happiness so that they can fully cherish their beings.

We hope that our importance as an NGO for senior citizens in India will increase and push us to restore the lost respect and spirit of dignity in their lives as we formulate our strategies and fully-baked policies regarding the improvement of the lives of senior citizens.

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The author of this article has started an NGO to help the elderly and orphans. In this article, he has mentioned the importance of Donate NGO. Visit