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Easy Tips & ways to make a Charity For Donation | Seruds NGO India

In this blog, we’ll share various tips and ways to make a charity for donation. Whoever is new to make a contribution to non-profit, here’s what you must read.

For every newbie who wants to donate or start their journey of contribution to society, first things first. We applaud you all because the thought of helping others is itself is remarkable.

Now we get these queries always every time we visit schools or colleges. 




Well the answer to the last question can be found in our article, ‘List of Best NGOs in India

But for every new person out there, let’s quickly explore, Charity.

Here’s A List Of Tips And Ways To Make A Charity For Donation:

Donate Your Skills:

Teaching is a noble profession. Make your charity donation by teaching your skills to the kids who are interested but can’t avail of the training with commercials. A beautiful movement called Teach for India is conducting something similar. 

If you are a dancer, teach dance. If you are a designer, teach design. That can be a really a great charity.

Sponsor a Meal:

Online order for food has gained a massive increase in recent times. As per Forbes, the Online order of food is a 200 Billion $ market. But there are also millions of people dying of hunger and honestly, it is two different stats that show the reality of today’s society.

We suggest everyone donate food as much as possible.

Easy Tips & ways to make a Charity For Donation  Seruds NGO IndiaGive Your Old Clothes:

As mentioned in our featured article, Donate your Clothes, We mentioned how tons of clothes are splashed in the garbage bin, which can be easily wearable.

Make sure you donate your old clothes instead of making it a pile in the wardrobe.

Be a Part of Charity, Physically:

If you are new to charity, believe us, sometimes you just have to spend your time with needy people. Even at our SERUDS Orphanage and Old Age Home, we see people who spend time with the needy people and they are delighted to see someone playing with them.

How to select the right Non Profit to donate?

  • Check Legal Status
  • Check registration No
  • Check Causes to Donate
  • Verify NGOs presence on Crowdfunding
  • Collect receipt of Online Donation
  • Re-verify Tax benefits certificate

So, this was our take on tips and ways to make charity. Reach us out on Twitter @seruds to know more.

FYI, SERUDS India is a registered firm that offers Indian and international donations and also provides tax benefits to every charity for donation made.

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