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S. Rajeshwari

₹0 of ₹2,840 raised

Category : Education Material Kit
Date of Birth & Age : 6/12/2002, 14 Years
Studying Class : 9th Class, B Section
Father : S.Prashanthu, Cooli Mud Work
Mother : S.Mangamma, Beedi Making
Brother/ Doing : 2 brothers: one youngest brother and another one studying 2nd class
Sister / Doing : 1 sister studying 1st class
Address : 47-97-38-23, Budhavarapeta, Madigageri, Kurnool-518002
Landmark : Beside Mathamaremma Arch


Father works as daily wage labour in the field of mud work. Mother vocation is Tobacco (beedi) making. Some times she suffers from high fever due to this hazardous job. Father is heavy drunken always and beats his wife. Rajeshwari is very intelligent girl child and suffers a lot because of disputes and family constraints in the family. She is having a strong desire to become a Teacher. She is looking for educational support to study well and achieve her goal.


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Donation Total: ₹2,500