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S. Jhansi

₹0 of ₹2,840 raised

Category : Education Material Kit
Date of Birth & Age : 10/10/2001, 15 Years
Studying Class : 8th Class, D Section
Father : S.Venkateswarlu, Auto Driver
Mother : S.Umavathi, Cooly
Brother/ Doing : 2 Brothers: studying I year inter and 9th class
Sister / Doing : 1 Sister: Got married
Address : 47/97-51(2), Budhavarapeta, Kurnool
Landmark : Near Satyamaiah Angadi


Jhansi is a very active girl in the class. She participates in the NCC Camps, Sports and games. Father works as daily wage labour and vocation is auto driving. Mother works as a coolie in and around places of Kurnool Town. Their earning income not at all sufficient for their household needs. Hence parents are not able to support the educational needs of Jhansi. She would like to drop from School due to financial constraints in the family.


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Donation Total: ₹2,500