donate for girl child education Challa Hemalatha

Challa Hemalatha

₹4,000 of ₹24,000 raised

Category:Joy Home Orphanage
Age:15 years
Studying Class:10th class
Father, Alive Y/N:Venkateshwarlu (Died)
Mother, Alive Y/N:Venkata Subbamma
Date of Joining:2018
Joined by Whom:Aunt
Address:Pinnapuram, Panyam, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh


Challa Hemalatha was admitted to Joy Home, SERUDS by her aunt. Her father Venkateswarlu used to work as a farmer. Her father used to drink a lot and beat her mother. Because of this behaviour which disturbed Hemalatha mentally,  her mother admitted her at SERUDS with the help of Hemalatha’s aunt who is a volunteer at SERUDS.

After an year of Hemalatha’s joining at SERUDS her father died because of which she went back to her village and continued her studies. Her mother works at a farm to earn a living. As their financial situation was precarious, Hemalatha had to come back to SERUDS after a year.

She is really good at sports and studies. She won several gold medals and shields in tennikoit. She wants to be a Telugu teacher when she grows up as she enjoys teaching younger kids here at SERUDS during their study hours.

SERUDS helped her in discovering her innate passion towards teaching. Since then SERUDS has been taking caring of her education,  food and other basic necessities

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Donation Total: ₹5,000