Durga Prasad

₹0 of ₹24,000 raised
Category:Joy Home Orphanage
Age:10 years
Studying Class:3rd class, Telugu medium
Father, Alive Y/N:Anji
Mother, Alive Y/N:Lakshmi
Date of Joining:2020
Joined by Whom:Mother
Address:Palkuru, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh


Durga Prasad is currently in his 3rd standard. Prasad’s father Anji is an alcohol addict. His mother Lakshmi works as a daily wage labour and saves money for her children’s education and basic living necessities. His father does not take care of the family and uses all the money to consume alcohol.  As he was very young his mother didn’t want him to suffer because of his father. So Prasad’s mother, Lakshmi didn’t want him to go through any mental trauma at young age and she got to know about Joy Home from one of the SERUDS employee who is from their village and joined him at SERUDS so that he can have a life just like a normal kid. Durga prasad was just 7 years old when he was admitted at Joy Home. Prasad’s father never visited him after he was joined at Joy home, SERUDS. His mother frequently visits him and make sure that he is doing alright.

He joined SERUDS in 2020 ,Since then SERUDS is taking care of all his educational needs. Now he is very happy since he goes to school, gets  timely food,evening tuition, friends who are like a family. He aspires to be a doctor one day.

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Donation Total: ₹5,000