Sponsor Education Mahesh

B. Mahesh

₹21,500 of ₹20,400 raised

Category : Sponsor Education
Date of Birth & Age : 1.01.2006, 14 years
Studying Class : 8th class
Marks (Percentage) : 72%
Father : B. Maddileti, Coolie
Mother : B. Lalitha , (Deceased)
Brother : None
Sister : 2 sisters [born to second wife of father] Studying
Address : Tagore Nagar, B Camp, Kurnool
Sponsor School & Tuition Fee : Rs. 1700 p.m. ; Rs. 20,400 p.a.


B. Mahesh is studying in 8th class, in Good Shepherd School, Kurnool . Mahesh’s father is a daily wage worker, and his mother is no more. They live in a small hut on land allotted by government. Mahesh’s father married again, and has 2 girls by the second wife. Mahesh’s father is not getting sufficient work and income due to COVID situation. They are finding it difficult to even find money for regular needs.

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Donation Total: ₹1,700