Sponsor-Education Deena

A Deena

₹23,101 of ₹20,400 raised

Category : Sponsor Education
Date of Birth & Age : 05.04.2006, 14 years
Studying Class : 8th class
Marks (Percentage) : 86%
Father : A. Raju, Coolie
Mother : A. Jayamma, Housemaid
Brother : Studying
Sister : None
Address : Deva Nagar, Kurnool
Sponsor School & Tuition Fee : Rs. 1700 p.m. ; Rs. 20,400 p.a.


A. Deena is studying in 9th class, in Good Shepherd School, Kurnool . Father is a street vendor of ice cream. Mother is working as a domestic servant maid in the nearby houses. Due to financial constraints in the family, Deena supports her mother during the vacation time. She has the desire to study well and is looking for support.

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Donation Total: ₹1,700