Sponsor-Education Ayesha-Begum

M Ayesha Begum

₹3,409 of ₹20,400 raised

Category : Sponsor Education
Date of Birth & Age : 01.07.2006, 15 years
Studying Class : 9th class
Marks (Percentage) : 88.5%
Father : M. Mahaboob Basha, Electrician
Mother : M. Khadhar Bee, Housewife
Brother : Studying
Sister : None
Address : Budhawarapeta, Kurnool
Sponsor School & Tuition Fee : Rs. 1700 p.m. ; Rs. 20,400 p.a.


M. Ayesha Begum is studying in 9th class, in Good Shepherd School, Kurnool . Her father is an Electrician, and they live in a small owned house. Ayesha’s father is getting very less work and very low income.

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Donation Total: ₹1,700