Sponsor Girl Child in India Lingeswari, 15 years, pursuing Inter. 2nd year. Father is alcoholic and does not take care of family & mother a daily wager cannot educate her 4 children. Seruds Orphanage is taking care of her education and all needs. Donate online with 80G tax benefit

Ediga Lingeshwari

₹0 of ₹24,000 raised

Category:Joy Home Orphanage
Age:15 years
Studying Class:Intermediate 2nd year
School:KVR Degree college
Father, Alive Y/N:E.Sudhakar
Mother, Alive Y/N:E Latha
Date of Joining:2015
Joined by Whom:Mother
Address:Bramhanadoddi Village, C Belagal Mandal, Kurnool District


Lingeswari  previously lived in a small village near Kurnool district. She is currently studying Inter 2nd year in KVR college. Her father Sudhakar often drinks and physically abuses lingeshwari’s mother Lalitha. Her father does not take care of his family. With 4 kids Lingeshwari’s mom Lalitha took the entire family burden and works at a farm.

The money earned by her was not sufficient take care of her children or provide basic necessities. Because of the bad financial conditions her brother Mahadev joined Lingeshwari at SERUDS so that she can get proper education.

She is good at studies and scores  more than 70% . She also teaches younger kids and helps them with their home work during evening tuitions held at SERUDS.  She has also won gold medal in Kabaddi and silver medal in tug of war at school.


She has joined SERUDS in 2015 and since then they are taking care of all her needs. Now she is very happy with her friends since she goes to school, gets timely food, evening tuition, games and other activities.


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Donation Total: ₹5,000