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M. Madhavi

₹0 of ₹2,840 raised

Category : Education Material Kit
Date of Birth & Age : 3/6/2001, 14 years
Studying Class : 7th class, A section
Father : David M, Coolie in Beedi Factory
Mother : Vani M, Coolie
Brother/ Doing : 2 Brothers, 7th and 5th class
Sister / Doing : NILL
Address : 42/257 Budawarpeta Kurnool
Landmark : Near Maremma Temple


Father goes as a daily labour in Beedi factory and they took loans for some local parties with huge interest. So what ever they earn goes 75% for the interest payment and with the remaining not able to eat properly as well. Hence not able to afford for child’s education and looking for some helping hands.

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Donation Total: ₹500