Vadde Manjula Pradeep

₹0 of ₹24,000 raised

Category:Joy Home Orphanage
Age:14 years
Studying Class:6th class
School:Indira Gandhi memorial municipal corporation high school(IGMMCH)
Father, Alive Y/N:Srinivasulu
Mother, Alive Y/N:Prameela
Date of Joining:November 2021
Admitted by
Address:Regadiguduru, Kurnool


Pradeep  is currently studying in 4th standard in Indira Gandhi memorial municipal corporation high school (IGMMCH).

Pradeep’s father is an alcohol addict and used to beat his mother. He also used to snatch away the money his mother saved. His father works at a construction site and his mother works at farms. His father’s behavior had a very bad impact on Pradeep. His mother prameela wanted her son to have a peaceful life away from the regular fights of  the family. He has an elder brother who is currently studying 10th class. Pradeep’s brother stayed at home so that he can protect his mother. P

Pradeep’s brother and mother convinced him to stay at joy home to study well. He is an average student at studies and is very active in games. He likes playing kabaddi and aspires to be a kabaddi player one day.

He joined Seruds in 2021. Since then SERUDS has been taking care of all his needs. Now he is very happy since he goes to school, gets  timely food, recreation facilities, and evening tuition



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Donation Total: ₹5,000