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B Vishalakshi

₹0 of ₹4,950 raised

<Category : Education Material Kit
Studying Class : 8th Class, A Section
Father : B.Gangarao, Private Employee
Mother : B.Ushenamma, House Wife
Brother/ Doing : One brother, 1st Class
Sister / Doing : 3 Sisters: 2 Sisters got married, 1 Sister studying
Address : 80/112/F6-2, Endowment Colony, Kurnool
Landmark : Registrar office near


Father works as a daily wage labourer and it is very difficult to look after household needs and educate his children. Parents were decided to send Vishalakshi to work as a domestic servant maid in neighbour houses. SERUDS identified her and decided to support the Educational Material Kit for her to continue her education without any hurdles.


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Donation Total: ₹2,500