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Donate to NGO in India 2021 For Orphanage & Old Age Homes

In this article, let’s mention where and how to donate to ngo in India 2021 for trusted and active orphanages and old age homes in Kurnool, AP.

Every year, there’s apparently a new beginning of everything. New resolutions, new ways of living life, new businesses, and some old things getting closed.

Whilst people on one hand are striving back to the new normalcy, the others are trying to find permanent solutions to the problem prevailing. Between all these, plenty of NGOs came up last year for serving needy and homeless people with food and essentials. 

In 2020, more than 20,500 new NGOs and youth welfare groups came forward to help the needy people. But many of them are now not active, so people are to be made aware of how one can donate to NGO in India as of 2021.

Donate To NGO in India 2021 For Orphanage & Old Age Home Causes:

For the philanthropic people out there who spent their hard-earned money on helping people a little more than they usually do, is the classic sign of humanity. There are parts of places that we’re totally dependent on donations. 

Now, after a few months, let’s focus on the needs of orphanages and old age homes in India as of 2021.

Donations of Computers and Smartphones:

Apart from educational causes like books and school fees, the devices to attend the online classes are much needed as the possibilities of rumored 2nd lockdown is pretty high. College & school’s offline classes are to be announced though, the prediction of continuity of online classes is pretty high. We’ve also written an entire article about the donation of computers for orphans. Click to view

Donations for Sanitizers and Masks:

Lockdown has lifted, not the precautions. As we are listening to this very often, the necessity of sanitizers and masks are again high. This is a new cause that we request people to focus on donating to NGOs in 2021. 

Cooked Meals Distribution:

In our organization, SERUDS, we had a charity cause of donating groceries or organizing meals for our orphans and elders but after the COVID scenario, we’ve introduced the cooked meals distribution that helped hundreds and thousands of people in and around Kurnool, AP. 

We pledge to continue the same cause in 2021 and hence request the generous people to come forward to donate to NGOs in India 2021 for these causes.

For queries, suggestions, help or comments, send a Tweet to us @SERUDS

Consider donating to SERUDS. Click to donate.