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Here’s How To Donate Items To Charity Online | Donate Used Articles

For those who want to donate items to charity, online or offline, This article will give a brief idea of how to pass the used articles to the needy or even for the people who don’t favor donating money.

Diwali is one of the biggest festivals in India. Regardless of any religion, the festival of lights is appreciated by every Indian and for many people, it’s the ‘Diwali bonus’ or new clothes that they get from others.

We all have tons of stuff at home that we don’t even use. They are kept in corners of our houses where we don’t pay attention and eventually they spoil.

This initiative of gathering such used articles, books, clothes toys, etc are carried out by many NGOs and we’ve mentioned clothes in specific in one of our previous articles. Check here.

For those who don’t know how to start, read till the end.

Here’s How To Donate Items To Charity Online:

Courier your stuff to NGO:

As easy as it sounds, packs all your stuff and gets it transferred by using any logistics or courier services to drop it at the NGO location safely. But it might cost you a bit as we’re not sure as courier services provide any rebate on charges for such transactions. Still, it’s a valid option to consider.

Use Sites like DonateKart to donate items to charity:

Forget about donating used items, there are a fair amount of people who don’t favor donating money and prefer to buy stuff for the needy people and DonateKart is one such site who offers to buy stuff and send it to registered NGO. 

Drop your charity items at the nearest NGO:

Nothing messy. Just pool in 1 helping hand, gather the articles to donate, carry it along with you, and donate to the nearest NGO. What we’d recommend is to visit the NGO before and take their requirement upfront to provide as relevant items in charity as possible.

There are sites that run this kind of activity, using which you can actually request a ‘pick up’ from home. Some of the site names are:


PS: Please don’t include clothes that are torn off, damaged or dirty ones. Even items like plates, glasses, blankets, etc if damaged cannot be provided to anyone, hence do not include.

Click to make a direct donation to SERUDS NGO: Donation link.