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Charity Ideas during COVID 19 in India

As we all know COVID-19 is a global crisis, it’s a Pandemic with the worst effects. It not only created a health crisis but also an economic crisis. Covid-19 is not over yet. It has only worsened its effects over time. With the news of its prevailing 2nd wave has created fear among People.

Many countries have undergone Lockdown again. This could only lead the poor fear about their survival. There are a lot of people who suffer globally, looking for some help in the form of meals, essential commodities, masks, sanitizers, etc. 

There are various platforms that are playing a crucial role in raising funds for Covid-19 such as Milaap, GlobalGiving, SERUDS, Givengain and many other NGOs. 

Here’s Some of the Charity Ideas during COVID 19 in India:

1.Start a campaign on Milaap & raise funds :

Milaap is a fundraising platform for the poor and the needy by the campaigns run by various NGOS. It is one among the top and famous platform to donate in India. And the best part about Milaap is that it doesn’t charge these campaigns. Such a noble move. 

Link to raise funds via Milaap

Charity Ideas during Covid 19 in India

2. Use DonateKart to help grocery items :

Unlike other fundraising platforms, DonateKart allows people to donate supplies. Instead of donating money people can donate the required products to charitable organizations. Donors can select the organization and their required products to donate. Donatekart then delivers these products to charitable organizations. 

Link to Donate Groceries via DonateKart

3. Donate masks and sanitizers to orphanages and old age homes :

SERUDS is an NGO in Kurnool that has been working for the poor. Ever since the Lockdown started they have helped the daily wage earners and migrant laborers by providing cooked meals and also essential commodities. Apart from food, the poor couldn’t also afford to buy masks and sanitizers. Seruds have helped them with these basic commodities as well. Apart from COVID Relief Campaigns SERUDS also runs various other campaigns for elderly people such as old age home, orphanages, distribution of educational kits among underprivileged girls, and many more.

Link to Donate/ Help raise sanitizers and masks.

4. Circulate GivenGain Platform links for trusted donations :

Givengain is one of the new emerging platforms for fundraising. It helps the Ngos to boost up their funds. It is trusted by a large number of corporate organizations and Charities worldwide.  This platform works as a bridge between the donors and the needy. this is one easiest charity ideas during COVID 19 in India.

Link to view SERUDS on GivenGain.

5. Idea of gathering COVID 19 relief fund or donating:

NGOs have played a crucial role during this Pandemic. They helped the poor and needy people who suffered for their survival during Lockdown. All the NGOs tremendously raised funds to help these people. Everyone stood hand in hand to support the poor and NGOs. Everyone tried to help the needy in Lockdown and none other than NGOs came forward to help them on priority.

Link to contribute for COVID Relief Fund.

Even today when we are in the unlock phase these people are facing troubles. The ones who lost their jobs couldn’t find any as everyone was trying to save money. The ones who found jobs are underpaid. The daily wage earners and migrant laborers would be the most affected ones. They still need help from us. 

Let’s extend our hands and help them stabilize their life with our charity ideas during COVID19 in India affecting many people. Explore more about Daily wagers & their situation.

Seruds Charity Ideas During COVID-19 Infographic