We conduct need based sensitization programs like HIV/ AIDS Awareness, Seasonal Diseases, Importance of Education, Economic Empowerment Programs for women, children, community leaders, self-help groups, youth in Rural areas and urban slums.
The main motto of this programme is to help people understand how deadly diseases can affect you, your life and your family. Many children got abandoned due to these deadly diseases. It can be HIV, AIDS, cancer, unknown viruses and more. Even though some diseases are curable, the amount that it costs to cure those diseases is not affordable by common people.
Seruds is an NGO helping children whose parents abandoned them were affected by deadly diseases like HIV, cancer, AIDS, and rare viruses. Some lost their parents and some lost their families in floods, which were caused due to climate change.
Due to lack of education the children are choosing the wrong path, getting involved in drug rackets, addicted to alcohol, losing their consciousness, fighting with people and behaving like a rogue.
Seruds is providing them with education and assisting these people, empowering them with knowledge, skill, and empathy, such that they can have a meaningful life.