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Help Children In India With Food Donation As Malnutrition Spikes in India

In this article, let’s explore why one shall donate food and how malnutrition is a serious problem in India.

Children are the future of a country. They are the ones who will take the country forward. However, it is not possible if they are not physically capable of doing so. Do you know that India is Home to one-third malnutritioned children in the world?

The Global Health Report estimates that India is one of the highest-ranking countries in the world for the number of children suffering from malnutrition

Before that let’s understand Malnutrition: It is the state of poor nutrition that results as a result of Insufficient/excessive/unbalanced diet. Most of the children in India don’t get enough food to eat, and those who do, don’t get proper nutrition.

Related Article: Donate Food To People, Not The Dustbins.

This fact is reflected in the statistics. See for yourself.

Malnutrition in India Statistics

  • India is home to 46.6 million stunted children, a third of the world’s total as per the Global Nutrition Report 2018. Nearly half of all under-5 child mortality in India is attributable to undernutrition.
  • The 2019 Global Hunger Index (GHI) report ranked India 102nd out of 117 countries with a serious issue of child wasting. At least one in five children under the age of five years in India is wasted.
  • The 2017 Global Hunger Index (GHI) Report by IFPRI ranked India 100th out of 118 countries with a serious hunger situation. Amongst South Asian nations, it ranks third behind only Afghanistan and Pakistan with a GHI score of 29.0 (“serious situation”). 
  • 25% of all hungry people worldwide live in India. Since 1990 there have been some improvements for children but the proportion of hungry in the population has increased. 
  • In India 44% of children under the age of 5 are underweight. 
  • 72% of infants and 52% of married women have anaemia.

Source:-  Unicef

Major Cause of Malnutrition in India

Despite India’s economic growth. one of the major causes of malnutrition in India is economic inequality. Due to the low social status of some population groups, their diet often lacks both quality and quantity. Most of India’s population is unable to afford a good quality of food 

We all know that to improve the situation, we need to find a solution and act on it. So what can you do?

Eradicate Malnutrition By Supporting Mid Day Meals Program_

Eradicate Malnutrition By Supporting Mid Day Meals Program:

In order to fight against malnutrition SERUDS runs Mid-day meals programs, where we provide balanced meals for the children, in our Orphanages and Day Care Centers

We started our first child welfare program in 2003 with 10 children living in slums. Today we support 80 children, between the age of 1 year to 6 years. These children come from poor families where both parents work as construction or farm laborers. 

In these creches, we provide mid-day meals for the children so that they can get proper nutrition and food. Apart from the food they get facilities like: 

  • Safe facility with clean toilets
  • Nutritious meals for the kids
  • Play items
  • Educational Material
  • First Aid Kit for the kids
  • A regular medical checkup by a doctor

However, our efforts are limited due to the deficiency of funds. So, if you are here to make a difference, make a donation today. 

Donate Now

You can sponsor meals, sponsor their education; contribute for staff salaries, health check-up, medicine, clothes, etc. or sponsor any amount you wish. Now Accepting UPI Donations. Scan the code and tap to donate. 🙂