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Sponsor Girl Child in India Chandrakala in SERUDS Orphanage. She's 5 years old, studying in 1st class. Father is dead; mother is daily wager & unable to send children to school. Donate for education and save income tax u/s 80g

About SERUDS Charity NGO

SERUDS is a grass root level Non Government Organization (NGO) working as a Charitable Organization in Kurnool. We work for holistic development of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, destitute elders and Children.

Meet Our Founder

G.Mallikarjuna, the President of SERUDS is a graduate in Bachelor of Engineering from VASAVI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Hyderabad. He is passionate about social service and started working as a social worker at the young age of 24yrs.

“According to me, if a girl child is educated to her fullest, the nation will grow at double the speed .”

sponsor seruds orphanage children

NGO for Needy People in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh

We are a team of young people who have a passion for social service and compassion towards the sufferings of the disadvantaged sections of the society and came together to found SERUDS.

SERUDS believes that all human beings are equal and has the right to have good health and enjoy good standard of living. SERUDS has touched new heights by Regular Activities to fulfill the mission of the organization. Our executive committee oversees the organization’s efforts. The committee meets regularly to ensure that all of our teams perform efficiently and to facilitate cross-functional connections.

Our team of excellent staff, volunteers & members, who are dedicated, are available for any social cause (s) always. They are our real strength to carry on with the noble cause of uplifting the downtrodden and send a message “WE CARE & SUPPORT”.

Donate to SERUDS Joy Home Orphanage in Kurnool, AP
SERUDS was registered in the year 2003 under A.P. Societies Registration Act, 35 of 2001.

SERUDS INC is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and designated as a PUBLIC CHARITY in USA

Seruds India is registered under the FCRA, 12A & 80G of Income Tax Exemption Act, 1961.

SERUDS has completed due diligence norms and listed with GiveIndia, GlobalGiving Foundation, LetzChange, Milaap, Godparents, Icharity, Credibility Alliance, Vaniindia & Guide Star India

SERUDS has been collaborating with foreign donor agencies, corporate, national donor agencies both governmental and non-governmental towards making meaningful interventions for the cause of poor and needy sections of the society.

Executive Committee for the year 2023-24

S.No.Name of Board MemberDesignation in the NGO
1Mr. G. MallikarjunaPresident
2Mr. B. KrishnaVice-President
3Ms. B. JayasreeSecretary
4Mrs. A. AshalathaJoint Secretary
5Mr. B. Ram MohanTreasurer
6Ms. B. SukanyaExecutive Member
7Mrs. O. RadhaExecutive Member