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World Immunization Week: Donate for Children’s Health

World Immunization Week is observed in the last week of April. It is an awareness campaign at a global level. Immunization is the medical process by which a person’s immune is resistant to the infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. It helps us from 25 diseases.

As per WHO, World Immunization Week (campaign) protects approximately 2- 3 million deaths every year, which is remarkable but there are still 22 million infants who didn’t get even basic Vaccines in countries like India and Bangladesh.

World Immunization Week: Stats of Vaccine and Immunization In India

India being one of the most developing countries are still yet to grow. Especially in remote and rural areas, the research shows that more than half of the infants are not able to get the basic vaccines like polio.

There are many kids that face lifelong problems and it is all because of lack of proper vaccination and immunization.

World Immunization Week
Image for representation purpose

Even though government’s lukewarm attempts has been meeting the need partially. Clearly doesn’t meet the required need.

Countries like Africa, Afghanistan is much ahead of India when it comes to standing for proper immunization of the people, specifically kids.

It requires more than just government to take charge of everything.

Today’s scenario requires awareness.

Today’s situation demands action.

Today’s silence needs your voice.

All it takes is just a few clicks for you to make things better.  Click for an online donation for child’s health.

Your donation can saves lives.