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Seruds NGO India Now Have an Official Wikipedia Page

It’s Official: Seruds NGO India Wikipedia Page is now approved Wikipedia Profile. This blog is especially to announce the listing as it is one of achievement of SERUDS NGO.

SERUDS has been functioning for 18 years for the poor people and the earlier listing that was on our name wasn’t something that we shall brag about. 

Some mediocre WIKIPEDIA contributor was the one who listed our name on the Wikipedia page but it wasn’t descriptive at all. The page was named ‘serudsngo’ and the details weren’t appropriate. 

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We knew that having a strong wiki page isn’t an easy task but we still always wanted an approved page on Wikipedia.

As per Jeffbullas in his post, “Wikipedia holds some prime real estate on Google’s search results page.  It’s usually popped up in one of the top five spots, so your company page gets an automatic SEO boost on Google to enjoy”.

Well said, Since Wikipedia doesn’t hire writers to mention the info, it is purely an open forum to accept the listing. 

But all our wait was on the verge of getting paid off. 

And at last, we were honored with a solid Wikipedia page with the name ‘SERUDS’ which have all its description. 

Here’s a snapshot of our Wikipedia page (followed by link). 

Seruds NGO India Now Have an Official Wikipedia Page

Link to Wikipedia Page is here:

Wikipedia pages are not given to just another business that comes to their notice. It requires enough brand value etc. 

We are happy that SERUDS is a part of such a big community.