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S. Shravani Bhai

₹0 of ₹2,840 raised

Category : Education Material Kit
Date of Birth & Age : 8/6/2001, 14 Years
Studying Class : 9th Class, B Section
Father : S.Ramudu Naik, Cook – Daily labour
Mother : S.Laxmi Bhai, Sweeper in Hotel
Brother/ Doing : One brother Inter 1st Year
Sister / Doing : Nil
Address : 46/785-69, Swamyreddy Nagar, Kurnool
Landmark : Near KC Canal


Shravani Bhai is having interest in studies. Her Parents working as daily wage labour in the cooking field and sweeper in a private hotel. By doing these vocations they get Rs.4500/- per month for their Household expenditure and Medical Care. Due to recent inflation, the rents hiked double. They are not able to spend money on children education. Shravani bhai not getting timely education support from her parents.


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Donation Total: ₹2,500