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women's empowerment

How to empower women?

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What is Women Empowerment?

Read True Meaning & Definition

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What is Women Empowerment? How well do you understand the meaning of women empowerment?

Do read this article before you :

  • Make a donation for women’s empowerment or girl child education in India
  • Set up a women’s empowerment in your organization or community
  • Start up a women empowerment NGO

The definition of women empowerment has been discussed and debated across the world since the 19th century. On one hand, some people support it, on the other hand, many criticize it for being Feminist.

Women’s empowerment and promoting women’s rights have evolved over the decades into a powerful global movement and is continues to impact new frontiers. International Women’s Empowerment Day (March 8 is celebrated as International Women’s Day) is becoming popular.

The purpose of writing this article is to educate everyone about the true meaning of women empowerment.

Related Article: Women Empowerment Quotes by These Celebs Are Too Good To Read

Support SERUDS Vocational Training Programs for Poor Women

SERUDS Women Development activities aim to empower women so that they can become earn their own incomes or become entrepreneurs.

We provide sustainable livelihood opportunities through training programs in Computer Software Skills, Tailoring & Embroidery, and Fashion Designing. We also provide financial support in terms of arranging loans, providing free sewing machine and sewing kit.

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How Do You Understand Women Empowerment?

Here are a few common answers we got from our survey:

• Giving women equal position as men.
• There’s no difference between men and women.
• Women empowerment means allowing them to do everything that men do.
• Rights and laws shall be fair for all without gender bias.

Some people also defined Women Empowerment by mentioning the success and pride women have brought to India. We applaud all such achievements and rewards of women but there’s a fair difference between Women Achievement and Women Empowerment.

Let’s Take Down The Definition Of Women Empowerment From Some Famous Sites:

As per Wikipedia:
“Women’s empowerment is the process in which women elaborate and recreate what it is that they can be, do, and accomplish in a circumstance that they previously were denied.[1][2] Empowerment can be defined in many ways, however, when talking about women’s empowerment, empowerment means accepting and allowing people (women) who are on the outside of the decision-making process into it”.

As per HuffPost:
“Empowerment is the process of increasing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes. Empowerment is a process. Through the process, an individual becomes an agent of change. More simply put, it’s the “can-do” factor, going from “I can’t” to “I can.”

As per Givingcompass:
“Empowerment should mean that women gain the ability to challenge and combat their oppression. In practice, it has come to mean marginally improving their material circumstances.” — Kate Cronin”.

According to World Vision Australia :
“Women’s empowerment can be defined to promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others.

Now Let’s Understand  The True Meaning of Women Empowerment:

There’s no mention of men in any of the famous sites in the women’s empowerment meaning. This is because empowering women does not mean giving them everything men have.

The true meaning of women’s empowerment is to make them the best of what they can be. Opportunities, facilities that every woman deserves is what we shall give them as a part of empowerment, and in the whole process, there’s no reference to men.

How to Empower Women

Women Empowerment Meaning

All Countries and Organizations should act to empower women through the following steps:

(1) Create policies, regulations and procedures to allow women to participate at all levels of hierarchy be it within the government, society, or political or business organizations on an equal footing with men. Women should be given freedom to express their needs and opinions

(2) Invest in education, skill development and creation of employment of women to reduce poverty, infant mortality, child marriage, and ill health.

(3) Remove all forms of discrimination against women, including in society, employment, laws relating to inheritance, abortion and sexual rights.

(4) Set up effective mechanisms to help women achieve economic self-reliance, and ensure women’s equal access to the employment and social security systems.

(5) Enforce laws to end all forms of violence against women.

(6) Enact laws, regulations and other interventions so that a woman can be a mother and bring up children and be employed at the same time.

How SERUDS NGO Empowers Women

SERUDS has been working for the development of women since 2003 through its various programs :

Seruds has been sponsors selected girl students for school fee & tuition fees. When you donate INR 24,000 for 1 year or as little as Rs 2000 for a month, you become a sponsor.

Summing up

Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process.

In India only 66% of women above 15 years are literate, as compared to 82% for men.  This clearly shows how women lack access to education in India.

Let us empower women by providing the best resources for their skill development.

SERUDS works for girl child education and vocational skill training of rural women. Donate now for Girl Child Education.