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K. Sukanya

₹0 of ₹4,950 raised

Category : Education Material Kit
Date of Birth & Age : 14/9/2003, 12 years
Studying Class : 6th class, B section
Father : K. Sudhakar, Coolie
Mother : K. Giddemma, House wife
Brother/ Doing : Nill
Sister / Doing : Nill
Address : 44/174-K18, Budhavarapeta, Kurnool
Landmark : Near Good shepard church


works as daily labour and earning means to live is a tough job. General terms like house rent, electricity bill, water bill and daily food requirements have become nightmares for them. And Childs education has even added to the pain making it tough for them to survive. Due to their improper education can’t even get a better job which in turn affecting their child’s future as well and forcing her to lead the same life as their parents.

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Donation Total: ₹500