Thirumalesh Vadakandla

₹100 of ₹24,000 raised
Category:Joy Home Orphanage
Age:12 years
Studying Class:6th class, English medium
School:Indira Gandhi Memorial Municipality Corporation High School
Father, Alive Y/N:Ramudu
Mother, Alive Y/N:Yashoda
Date of Joining:2020
Joined by Whom:Mother
Address:Regadigudur, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh


Thirumalesh used to roam around the village without going to school before joining at SERUDS. Thirumalesh was admitted to Joy home, SERUDS by his mother. He is currently studying in sixth grade. His father Ramudu drinks and beats his mother Yashoda and tries to snatch the family’s savings. Though Ramudu likes his children, his aggressive and alcoholic behaviour prevents him from going to work and provide basic necessities.

Thirumalesh‘s mother, who works as a washerwoman, is the only earning member of the family. His mother noticed that Thirumalesh’s father’s behaviour had a bad impact. Thirumalesh‘s sister is studying  ninth grade in telugu medium, in their native place. His mother understood importance of education and wanted to join  Thirumalesh  in  English medium . As English medium schooling was not available in his village, his mother joined him at Seruds. Tirumalesh joined Seruds in 2020 when he was 9 years old.

Since then SERUDS is taking care of all his education, food and education. Now he is very happy since he goes to school, gets  timely food, games and activities, evening tuition provided by SERUDS. He is an active kid who plays games and is an above average student in studies. He wants to be a doctor one day to save lives of people which he saw at hospitals and was inspired from them.

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Donation Total: ₹5,000