Sponsor-Education Vithesh-reddy

B Vithesh Reddy

₹20,200 of ₹20,400 raised

Category:Sponsor Education
Date of Birth & Age:20.01.2007, 13 years
Studying Class:9th class
Marks (Percentage):81.1%
Father:B.Venkateswar Reddy, Watch Man
Mother:B. Leelavathi, Hospital housekeeping work
Sister :None
Address:Swami Reddy Nagar, Kurnool
Sponsor School & Tuition Fee:Rs. 1700 p.m. ; Rs. 20,400 p.a.


B. Vithesh Reddy is studying in 9th class, in Good Shepherd School, Kurnool . Vithesh’s mother and father are working in low paid jobs [ mother working as cleaner in a private hospital and father is working as a full time watchman in newly constructed buildings ]. They earn very less and live in a temporary shed like structure on land allotted by the government. Since they are at a very low income level, they are not able to pay the minimum school fees.

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Donation Total: ₹1,700