Sponsor Education Rameez-raju

S.K. Rameez Raju

₹15,300 of ₹20,400 raised

Category:Sponsor Education
Date of Birth & Age:30.07.2005, 15 years
Studying Class:9th class
Marks (Percentage):95.1%
Father:Khadar Basha, Driver
Mother:Sajid, Cleans houses
Brother:Studying 8th Class
Sister :None
Address:Pasupula, Kurnool
Sponsor School & Tuition Fee:Rs. 1700 p.m. ; Rs. 20,400 p.a.


Rameez Raja is studying in 9th class, in Good Shepherd School, Kurnool . Rameez’s father is a lorry driver. They have a small own house. The family’s economic condition is very bad due to pandemic situation, Rameez’s father has no work. His mother is a house maid, and earns around Rs.2500-/ per month. This is insufficient for household expenses and paying school fees is out of the question for the parents.

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Donation Total: ₹1,700