sponsor child Mandla Sirisha

Mandla Sirisha

₹0 of ₹24,000 raised

Category:Joy Home Orphanage
Age:10 years
Studying Class:6th class
School:Indira Gandhi memorial municipal corporation high school(IGMMCH)
Father, Alive Y/N:Venkateshwarlu
Mother, Alive Y/N:Venkateshwari
Date of Joining:2020
Joined by Whom:


Mandla Sirisha a resident of Kurnool district joined SERUDS in 2020. Her mother Venkateshwari is mentally retarded as she got an injury on her head. Her father venkateshwarlu who is addicted to drinking physically abuses her mother and sometimes beats Sirisha as well.

Sirisha grew up with her grandmother, who is unable to control venkateshwarlu and wanted to protect Sirisha. Seeing the situation, child welfare committee(CWC) member suggested SERUDS to Sirisha’s grandmother. With the help of CWC, sirisha’s grandmother admitted her at Joy home.

She is a very active kid and participates in all games and is an average student in her studies. She is interested in drawing and is currently learning how to draw. She wants to become a police officer which is mostly because of the circumstances she grew up in. Whatever be the challenges, she wants to become a police officer and wants to make sure no other kid goes through the trauma she has faced.


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Donation Total: ₹5,000