Vadde Challa Jagan

₹0 of ₹24,000 raised

Category:Joy Home Orphanage
Age:13 years
Studying Class:5th class
School:Indira Gandhi memorial municipal corporation high school(IGMMCH)
Father, Alive Y/N:Bhaskar
Mother, Alive Y/N:Thulasi
Date of Joining:2021
Admitted by
Address:Velugodu, Kurnool


Jagan is studying 5th class in Indira Gandhi memorial municipal corporation high school (IGMMCH). Jagan’s father Bhaskar is an alcohol addict. His father is paralysed and drinks alcohol and physically abuses his mother.

Eventually his parents broke up. His father, Bhaskar stays at their current home and his mother, thulasi had to eventually shift to a rental home. Thulasi works as a daily wager. Their parents divorce had severe impact on him. His mother was working day and night to support the family. As, she was emotionally unavailable she felt that leaving him here at SERUDS would help.

Jagan used to work at construction sites to earn some money so that he could support his family. He was admitted in Seruds in 2021. Since then SERUDS has been taking care of all his needs. Now he is very happy since he goes to school, gets  timely food, recreation facilities, and evening tuition. He aspires to be a doctor one day.


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Donation Total: ₹5,000