donate for girl child education Pranitha

Pranitha Bandi

₹0 of ₹24,000 raised

Category:Joy Home Orphanage
Age:9 years
Studying Class:5th class
Father, Alive Y/N:Nagaraju
Mother, Alive Y/N:Lakshmi Devi
Date of Joining:2019
Joined by Whom:Mother
Address:Nannur, Uyyalawada, Andhra Pradesh


Pranitha who is a resident of Kurnool is currently studying 5th class In Indra Gandhi Memorial Municipality High School. She was joined at Joy Home SERUDS by her mother when she was 6 years old. Pranitha’s mother Lakshmi devi works as a cook at a small hotel . Her father Nagaraju works at a construction site as a daily labourer. Her parents do not have enough money to educate and support Pranitha and her brother Saketh  financially. So Pranitha’s mother joined her and her brother at SERUDS to give them a good life and education. She likes to study well and also likes to play kabaddi, tennikoit.

Pranitha joined SERUDS in 2019 and since then they are taking care of all her needs. Now she is very happy with her friends since she goes to school, gets timely food, evening tuition, games and other activities. she is very active and very good at games.

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Donation Total: ₹5,000