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Charity Ideas for Kids to Teach Them the Art of Giving

Charity Ideas for kids are very important to be taught because it defines their perspective towards helping people. The art of giving is probably the most humane thing we can ask our little toddler to do.

In this Blog: We’ll share a few very general ideas of charity which can be taught to our kids and also can make them do it by themselves.

Parenting is not an easy thing. Children’s minds are like water. It can change any shape, just needed proper guidance.

Charity Ideas for Kids to be taught as a part of Parenting

It is proven that children who live ‘down to earth’ life are more humble than others when it comes to charity or helping people.

Let’s begin with Charity ideas for kids

1.  Donate Clothes, Shoes etc:

Kids are super growing and stuff like clothes, shoes, school uniform despite being new remains unusable for them. We mostly end up throwing it… Instead, it can be given to a needy child.

Thus, helping other kids with our clothes and shoes can be a great charity idea for kids.

2.  Help others with books:

Every academic year, kids need new books. Some books barely get used. It can be a genuine idea of charity in which children can help others with their books. Kids who cannot afford books can be benefited the most. Try this website:, a great platform to donate books.

When your kid is crying for Playstation, other kids are waiting for food

3.  Give away Toys and other stuff:

Kids crave for toys, they play with it, and they get bored out of it. What if an idea of giving away these toys to the poor children who cannot buy it is planted in the kid’s mind, the generosity in the kids will be higher than ever.

Related Link: If Every family adopt one child, there won’t be any kid homeless

4.  Mingle kids with everyone:

Usually, kids are made to stay with people who are of the same social class or status… maybe unknowingly but the neighbours, schoolmates etc everyone are mostly of the same social class and kids never get a chance to spend time with others and understand their struggle in life. So allowing the kid to spend time with other social class people can also be one of the charity ideas for kids.

Kids are the best when you are looking for a change because they are innocent and learn whatever they are exposed to. Let’s expose them to the brighter side of life with these charity ideas. Start your charity work now.