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Donate to Uplift Connect & Help SERUDS Ngo Serve Needy

In this news article, let’s discuss our new charity campaign on Uplift connect. An initiative by GiveIndia that helps donors reach needy people.

COVID-19 has been an issue for all for the past couple of months but after the Unlock began, the life turned back to normalcy for many but is it everyone who is clawing their way back to normal life?

A big NO. As many lost their jobs and downsizing also is the new normal and hence, there are people who are still in need of our help.

Congratulations to the donors and volunteers who contributed for the needy and made us help lakhs of people with food and other essentials all along with the lockdown. 

Charity campaigns on Milaap and GlobalGiving received your love good enough to help many people and falling into the same lines we have made a new charity campaign. (View all)

Donate To Uplift Connect and Help The Poor

Uplift Connect is yet another great initiative by GiveIndia that bridges the gap between donors and beneficiaries. The name itself is so amazing as it refers, ‘Uplift’ that means lifting the underprivileged and ‘Connect’ means making the giver and the receivers.

All together, it means connecting the people who want to uplift the needy. 

Our campaign is about helping Migrant workers and daily wagers. This leads back to the 3rd paragraph. There are many people who reached their hometown and even the daily wagers might have gone back to work.

Still, there are many people left under the cruel downsizing and these daily wagers and unemployed migrant workers are left nothing but with a dire necessity of our donations. 

Not everyone can walk back to normal easily and we are attempting this new charity campaign to help more people and we urge people to donate to uplift connect. 

Click to View and donate to the campaign (Uplift Connect link)

View campaign on GiveIndia