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How to Donate Online In India Securely – Safe Charity Process

In this blog: Let’s understand how one can donate online in a secured manner by following a safe charity process in India.

The Internet has enabled us to reach anyone from anywhere. Naturally, the internet has appeared as an agent of social change. 

You and I can sit at our home and impact the life of a person who is sitting miles away for us.

Online donation is becoming so popular because of ease of use, but it also comes with drawbacks that donors need to be aware of. 

Related: Transparent Donation Process, Check Here

Dealing with money online can be a bit risky so today We will tell you about things to take care of before making a donation.

Safe Charity Process For Safe Online Donation:

Know your Charity:

Before you make a donation to a charity or NGO, make sure that you have enough information about the charity.  Online or offline, never give to a charity that you know nothing about, look for the mission statement and learn how their program works.  

To determine if a group has tax-exempt status, go to the Internal Revenue Service’s website. SERUDS registered as Tax Exempted Organization under 12A & 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961

Get Correct Information:

Before making an online donation, one should make sure that any information obtained by them is from a credible source. Make sure to get contact information of the charity in case of an issue. Getting the right donation medium is also very important.

Today to make online donation charities provide a lot of ways. You can make a donation through any of the below means.

  • GooglePay
  • Paytm
  • Razorpay
  • CC Avenue
  • Paypal

So, before you actually go ahead with the donation, make sure to get the correct credentials from the charity for any of the mediums.

SERUDS Accepting UPI Donations - Gpay, PhonePe, PayPal

SERUDS provides all these options to its donors. If you want to make a donation through

Google pay/Paypal/UPI: Use the id-  serudsngo@icici & Paytm: Donate to-  9849977577

Protect Your Privacy:

People are not in the habit of reading the lengthy Privacy policy page while dealing over the internet. However, before disclosing personal information, especially your credit card number, find out how the site plans to use your info & if it plans to sell it or exchange it. Make sure that the charity gives you an “opt-in” or at least an “opt-out” option.

Give Safely:

Before sharing any credit card information online, make sure the site uses encryption technology to protect you. Check the address bar on the page requiring sensitive information to be posted. The URL should begin with “https.” The “s” stands for “secure” and indicates that sensitive information will be encrypted and transmitted securely.

SERUDS Secured Website

Keep Records

After you have made your contribution, keeping a record of that is a good idea. This stands true of any dealing done over the internet. Even though Online transactions are trackable, keeping a record with yourself will only simplify the process in case of any issue. 

So next time you donate or pay, save the receipt in a drive (to make the access easier) or you can even go a step ahead and print it out.

While the World Wide Web can be a scary place for some people it has also changed many lives.  So don’t let the fear stop you from impacting the world. Just keep in mind the above points and you will be good to go.

To make a donation to SERUDS, you can also check the link: Donate Page.