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Contribute To SERUDS Biggest Charity in India With Just 10 Rs

The year 2020 ends with the biggest charity in India with 10 Rs. A donation campaign by SERUDS for the orphans and elders.

The year 2020 was not easy at all. The world has probably seen one of its worst phases with lockdown, earthquake floods, etc. With all these deaths and disease, there’s one definite good thing we all have seen. Guess what? It’s the generosity among the people for fellow human beings. 

With more than trillion-dollar worldwide donations, we can say that we all have empathy for each other. That’s what makes our lives slowly drifting towards normalcy… of course with precautions.

Mentioning normalcy means the lives that are almost back on track, jobs are being opened for recruitment and businesses are opened with its spree. The only segment that still needs a push is as usual the frontliners. 

Here Comes Our Biggest Charity In India To The Resume:

To support specifically the neediest people, SERUDS has come up with a unique campaign of the biggest charity in India with just 10 Rs. Sounds unbelievable right? But the whole logic of our charity campaign is to collect fewer amounts from as many people as possible.

The year 2020 ends with the biggest charity in India with 10 Rs.

If one person can just let go of a mint they consume or save as little change in the wallet once a month, they save pennies. Our charity campaign idea is to collect pennies from people to bulls a future for orphans, elders, and the needy. 

Let’s do some math. Imagine you donated 10 rs to SERUDS from Kurnool and forwarded our message to your circle. They do the same… and the chain continues.

The 10 rs charity campaign looks absolutely normal or routine but look at the big picture. Even out of billions of people, just 0.1 % of the people actually donates the said amount, 10 rs will bring at least 100 million. (cross-check your maths please).  

Click to donate.