SERUDS Home for Street Children & Orphans in Kurnool

Children’s Home shelters 60 boys and girls in the age group of 4 to 16 years. These abandoned orphan, street children come from dysfunctional family backgrounds, like an alcoholic father, mother who committed suicide, mother who abandoned children and is living with another man.

You can sponsor these abandoned orphan children for their education or living expenses

We encourage active sponsorship by arranging periodic meetings between the donor and sponsored child, and sending regular updates on the progress.

Every child who enters Children Home is given Counselling by a professional counsellor to  identify the underlying problems of the child and help her to overcome negative attitudes, depression and develop positive outlook towards life.

1. Donate Clothes & School Uniforms 2. Sponsor Scholarships 3. Donate Old Toys 4. Donate Healthy Snacks & Supplements 5. Donate Your Time

Love and care comes above all… at times we need that at our orphanage. Our kids love visitors. It feels like family to them