T. Lakshmi

T. Lakshmi

₹0 of ₹2,840 raised

Category : Education Material Kit
Date of Birth & Age : 1/16/2003, 13 Years
Studying Class : 7th Class, B Section
Father : T.Venkataramudu, Agriculture labour
Mother : T.Padma, Agriculture labour
Brother/ Doing : youngest brother
Sister / Doing : 3 sisters studying 4th class, 1st class and one youngest sister going to Anganwadi
Address : 4-31, OC Colony, Uyyalawada Village, Orvakal Mandal
Landmark : Kurnool District. 518002


Due to poverty Parents are not interested to send Lakshmi to school. She lives in Government Hostel in Kurnool. Parents are working as daily wage agricultural labourers in Uyyalawada village, Orvakal Mandal. The parents are illiterate and not known about the importance of education. They always think to stop the education of their child Lakshmi. But Lakshmi having very interest in studies and attending school regularly.


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Donation Total: ₹2,500